Food with Karakter

Puff Pastry Salmon with Spinach and Mustard

Easy and tasty! And best served with a green salad next to it!

Ingredients :

Time :

Method :

  1. We mix the salmon with the lemon juice, olive oil and the chopped dille. We let it marinate all together in the fridge for approx. 30 minutes.

  2. Once the fish is almost marinated, we preheat the oven to 200 degrees C and start preparing the puff pastry. With a sharp knife we cut even, diagonal slits one third of the way into the crust on both sides. Keep same number of strips on each side. See picture below.

  3. We add the mustard in the middle of the pastry and spread it evenly, topped by the spinach leaves and the marinated salmon (make sure you add only the salmon and not the marinate!)

  4. We start to braid the strips diagonally across the filling, like in the below image.

  5. Brush the dough with egg yolk, top with some sesame seeds and bake it in the preheated oven for 35-40 minutes or until golden brown.

  6. Let it rest for about 5 minutes before serving - enough time to prepare a quick green salad to enjoy next to your salmon roulade.


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